Travel Adventures

Favorite places to travel..

The next adventure!  Maybe I’ve already experienced my greatest wonder.  I won’t have that answer until I’ve completed all my travel wishes…when I’m near the age of 90 or so.  My one favorite trip in the US was to the Grand Canyon.  Talking about adventure…that trip was the real deal!  Mounting a mule that was as tall as a horse and descending into the canyon, with excitement and nervousness, but remembering the spewed telling’s from the guides that mules are perfect for this terrain as they are experts in sure-footedness. Those trails weren’t wide and the switchbacks were tight and steep.  What I journey!

What kind of traveler am I…

Mid-priced trips is how I roll.  I haven’t stayed in hostels or low budgeted hotels but I don’t pay for premium places either.  I won’t spend extra for first-class flights or spend lavishly on meals. Those extra expenses could be another trip or a huge portion of another.

Travel goals

I desire to express my travels through good photography.  I would consider myself successful if someone got an awe moment or an inspiring feeling just by viewing a photo I took.  I’ve always heard…a picture speaks a thousand words.  Perfect for me since I’m a wordy writer.

I love adventure, so cultural travel will be sprinkled in my post but not the main focus.  I have no burning desire to travel to Russia, India, Japan, and China so you won’t see post from these countries through travel experiences but a close friend of mine has seen it all.  I will share her pictures and thoughts through her perspective. However, you will likely to be along with me on a ride through the Australian outback, or along on a volunteer mission for getting up close and personal with majestic elephants in Thailand.  You will probably experience with me—working in an animal rescue Centre getting involved in a variety of conservation work to help save endangered sea turtles.